Unable to load rules over network
When trying to start BlackFog Privacy I keep getting "Unable to load Rules over network" Error. It presents a dialog and then exits the application.
Signed Driver Error on Windows 7
In versions of Windows 7 with patches after January 1, 2016 the operating system will complain that the driver has not been digitally signed. While the driver has been digitally signed, it requires your machine to be updated with recent Windows patches to be recognized.
Application is already running
If you receive the "Application is already running" message then you already have BlackFog Privacy running in the background. Version 1.1 and above will now bring the running application to the foreground for you automatically.
Is BlackFog compatible with Windows Servers
BlackFog is designed to run not only on desktop PC's using Windows 7 SP1 or later but is also compatible with Windows Servers from Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or later.
Silently installing BlackFog at the command line with MDM solutions
The BlackFog installer provides various options for mass deployment using standard MDM solutions on the market. To install BlackFog using these solutions, simply provide the /qn command line option and ensure you are running under elevated (admin level) privileges.
Unable to update or uninstall
When you try to update BlackFog Privacy to the latest version it will remove the older version first. If the older version of the installer has been corrupted or removed then it will not uninstall.
Windows installer hangs
If you DO NOT have an active Internet connection or your firewall is blocking outbound connections then the installer will appear to hang as it tries to resolve application dependencies.
How to Uninstall when original MSI missing from Windows
If you are having problems uninstalling an application due to missing files required by the Windows Installer system we recommend you use the tool from Microsoft to fix any issues.
BlackFog and Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security configuration
When installing BlackFog with Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security you will need to disable the behavioral options in the Behavior Monitoring section of their console.
Installation failing on pre-requisite installation
When installing BlackFog some machines fail on the pre-requisite installation from Microsoft. Notably the Microsoft VC++ Redistributable.