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About Brenda Robb

Brenda has extensive experience in global marketing operations in high tech companies building product marketing strategies and go-to-market programs at scale. Brenda leads the global marketing strategy and direction at BlackFog and oversees public relations, social media, go-to-market programs and deliverables.

BlackFog in Banking and Finance

Cybercrime is a lucrative business and the financial industry is under relentless attack from hackers. Cybersecurity attacks continue to grow in both sophistication and frequency as financial services firms become increasingly reliant on customer data and technology to run their businesses. Staying one step ahead of cyber criminals is critical.

2024-09-17T12:44:52+01:00April 10th, 2020|Financial|

Mobile Cyber Security Threats

Every day we read about cyberattacks and data breaches affecting organizations trusted with our personal information. Yet most us don’t even consider the security of our mobile devices, leaving us increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks. We discuss the different types of attacks that can affect our mobile devices.

2024-06-24T20:23:52+01:00March 10th, 2020|Cybersecurity, Privacy|

Tømmergaarden Secures its Weakest Security Link with BlackFog

After Tømmergaarden started running BlackFog they noticed that the antivirus reports had zero issues with employees clicking on malicious links because BlackFog was blocking the threats before they even got to the devices.

2024-06-22T21:25:37+01:00January 18th, 2020|Case Study|

What Is Data Privacy? Definition, Explanation, and Guide

The mood around privacy is shifting. Privacy is now firmly on the agenda for organizations trying to keep up with changing global privacy laws. We look at privacy from an organizations perspective, why it’s important, how it’s being unknowingly compromised, and what BlackFog can do to protect it.

2024-01-22T02:50:46+00:00October 15th, 2019|Privacy|