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About Brenda Robb

Brenda has extensive experience in global marketing operations in high tech companies building product marketing strategies and go-to-market programs at scale. Brenda leads the global marketing strategy and direction at BlackFog and oversees public relations, social media, go-to-market programs and deliverables.

The Hidden Crisis: How Stress is Forcing 1 in 4 Chief Information Security Officers to Quit

According to research we recently commissioned, 1 in 4 CISOs are considering quitting their jobs within the next six months, and 54% are open to new opportunities.

2024-10-31T16:11:52+00:00October 25th, 2024|Cybersecurity, Research, Statistics|

Is Transparency Important Beyond Compliance After a Cyberattack?

Understand whether transparency following a cyberattack matters beyond compliance - with real-life examples like Uber's cover-up. Learn the benefits and risks of transparency - from trust building to reputation risk.

2024-10-18T10:47:34+01:00October 18th, 2024|Cybersecurity, Ransomware|

Data Exfiltration Extortion Now Averages $5.21 Million According to IBM’s Report

According to IBM's 2024 Data Breach Report, the financial toll of data exfiltration extortion has surged, with the average cost now reaching $5.21 million per incident. This alarming trend highlights the growing sophistication of cybercriminals and the increasing financial risks organizations face when sensitive data is compromised. As data breaches continue to escalate, businesses must prioritize robust cybersecurity measures to mitigate these costly threats.

2024-09-19T14:22:35+01:00September 23rd, 2024|Cybersecurity, Data Exfiltration, Ransomware|