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About Darren Williams

Dr. Williams is a serial entrepreneur and founder of 3 technology startups over the last 20 years, two of which have been sold to public companies. He is currently the founder and CEO of BlackFog, Inc. a global cyber security company focusing on ransomware prevention and cyber warfare. Dr. Williams is responsible for strategic direction and leads global expansion for BlackFog and has pioneered anti data exfiltration technology for the prevention of cyber attacks across the globe. Dr. Williams holds a Ph.D. and Bachelor of Science with Honors from the University of Melbourne, authoring several scientific papers and software applications for auto-radiographic densitometry and analysis. He is a dual citizen of both Australia and the United States where he now resides.

BlackFog and Windows S mode

BlackFog requires a full edition of Windows in order to operate correctly. Restricted versions such as Windows S are insufficient as they limit third party installations outside of the app store. If you are running Windows S or Windows in S Mode you will need to switch to the full version of Windows which is [...]

2025-03-05T22:49:35+00:00March 5th, 2025|

How High Level Cybercrime Groups Are Formed and Organized

We look at how organized cybercrime groups are formed and structured and how cybercriminals first connect online through hacking forums and dark web marketplaces, where they build reputations and specialize in roles like penetration testing, malware development, ransomware operations and money laundering. Over time, trusted partnerships and ad hoc "crews" emerge, which can formalize into defined criminal enterprises.

2024-06-24T13:03:21+01:00June 24th, 2024|Ransomware|

How to use the allow list

An allow list enables organizations to streamline the processing of defined scripts, IP's, domains or applications, effectively bypassing many of the predefined rules on the agent.

2024-05-06T04:50:25+01:00May 6th, 2024|

Virtual CISO

Using a virtual CISO solution gives you access to the expertise you need, without the time and expense needed to recruit a full time chief information security officer.

2024-05-06T02:42:56+01:00May 4th, 2024|

Data Retention

BlackFog offers data retention to monitor dwell time across the threat landscape and audit and regulatory control purposes.

2024-05-01T04:40:25+01:00May 1st, 2024|