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About Rebecca Harpur

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So far Rebecca Harpur has created 40 blog entries.

Everything That You Need to Know About the Dark Web and Cybercrime

Learn about the dark web, including who uses it, how it operates, and what tools cybercriminals obtain on it. Find out how BlackFog monitors networks, forums, and ransomware leak sites in order to stay ahead of new threats.

2024-10-18T12:42:08+01:00November 18th, 2024|Cybersecurity, Dark Web, Ransomware|

EDR Kill Shifter: Why a Layered Cybersecurity Approach is Required

Learn how ransomware-as-a-service is simplifying ransomware tool creation and increasing ransomware attack accessibility in cybercrime. Find out how modern ransomware syndications use RaaS.

2024-11-12T14:03:21+00:00November 12th, 2024|Exploits, Ransomware|

The Rise of Ransomware-as-a-Service and Decline of Custom Tool Development

Learn how ransomware-as-a-service is simplifying ransomware tool creation and increasing ransomware attack accessibility in cybercrime. Find out how modern ransomware syndications use RaaS.

2024-10-18T12:39:45+01:00November 5th, 2024|Cybersecurity, Ransomware, Technology|

What Causes Victims to Pay in a Ransomware Attack? The Psychology

Learn the main reasons why victims of a ransomware attack are forced to pay, such as the need to avoid operational disruption or the deceptive methods used by attackers to establish confidence.

2024-10-29T17:19:39+00:00October 29th, 2024|Cybersecurity, Online Safety, Ransomware|

Big Game Hunting is on the Rise in Cybercrime

Big game hunting in cybercrime refers to attacks where cybercriminals target large organizations with the goal of demanding hefty ransoms. This article explores the tactics used in these attacks, provides real-world examples, and explains why this form of cybercrime is becoming increasingly common.

2024-09-24T11:53:29+01:00October 9th, 2024|Cybersecurity, Ransomware|

Massive Cloud Provider Cyberattacks in 2024: Examples and Prevention Strategies

Cloud provider cyberattacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated in 2024, with incidents like the AWS breach affecting millions of users. This article explores real-world examples of cyberattacks on cloud providers, highlights vulnerabilities such as misconfigurations, and offers essential prevention strategies like access control, secure coding practices, and attack surface management to safeguard your cloud infrastructure.

2024-10-23T15:22:16+01:00October 1st, 2024|Breach, Cybersecurity, Ransomware|

Living Off the Land: How Ransomware Groups Weaponize Legitimate Tools

Explore how ransomware groups like LockBit and Vice Society employ 'living off the land' tactics, exploiting legitimate tools to bypass detection. Learn their techniques and effective strategies to mitigate these evolving cyberthreats.

2024-09-19T10:11:22+01:00September 19th, 2024|Dark Web, Data Exfiltration, Ransomware|

Doubleface Takes Down the Website of Donetsk International Airport

Doubleface ransomware, developed in C/C++, utilizes AES-128 and RSA-4096 encryption techniques. It remains undetected and includes anti-analysis features. Explore its key attributes, cost implications, and relevance in cybersecurity.

2024-10-14T16:59:40+01:00August 23rd, 2024|Dark Web, Data Exfiltration, Ransomware|

Dark Angels Received a Huge $75m Ransom Payment, Who Are They?

In early 2024, a Fortune 50 company paid the Dark Angels ransomware group a record $75 million ransom. Learn about Dark Angels' background, major attacks, and the technical details behind their biggest ransomware payment in history.

2024-08-15T14:42:49+01:00August 20th, 2024|Dark Web, Data Exfiltration, Ransomware|

Don’t Gift Your Data to Cybercriminals This Holiday Season

The winter holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year for shopping and online transactions. However, all of this increased online activity also attracts the attention of cybercriminals and increases your chances of data theft.

2024-05-07T10:27:43+01:00November 24th, 2023|Cybersecurity|