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Ransomware and Cybersecurity Blog2023-03-22T03:58:34+00:00

Ransomware and Cybersecurity Blog

What Is Data Privacy? Definition, Explanation, and Guide

By |October 15th, 2019|

The mood around privacy is shifting. Privacy is now firmly on the agenda for organizations trying to keep up with changing global privacy laws. We look at privacy from an organizations perspective, why it’s important, how it’s being unknowingly compromised, and what BlackFog can do to protect it.

After the Data Breach – What Happens to Your Data?

By |July 9th, 2019|

We know that breaches and hacks are inevitable . The odds dictate that your information will be breached at some point. But what does it really mean when your data is compromised? Just what are cybercriminals doing with the information they steal, and how much is this data really worth?