Ransomware and Cybersecurity Blog
Execution prevention and cybersecurity
BlackFog has introduced execution prevention to protect your device from rogue malware. This article explains how it works and why it is more powerful than application whitelisting.
Data Exfiltration – What you Need to Know
Data exfiltration, data loss or data leakage is essentially the theft or removal of information or data from an electronic device, typically a computer, mobile phone or other Internet connected device.
BlackFog Global Threat Statistics Q3 2019
BlackFog collected threat statistics on a global basis for the first 9 months of 2019 (threat statistics Q3 2019). What follows is a summary of the data exfiltration across all endpoints including Windows, Mac, Android and [...]
Ransomware Cyberattacks in Healthcare
Cybercriminals are increasingly targeting healthcare organizations. As cybercriminals continue to outpace the security technology and processes in the healthcare sector, what can IT leaders do to prevent modern-day cyberattacks?
What Is Data Privacy? Definition, Explanation, and Guide
The mood around privacy is shifting. Privacy is now firmly on the agenda for organizations trying to keep up with changing global privacy laws. We look at privacy from an organizations perspective, why it’s important, how it’s being unknowingly compromised, and what BlackFog can do to protect it.
BlackFog Global Threat Statistics Q2 2019
BlackFog collected threat statistics on a global basis for the first 6 months of 2019. What follows is a summary of the data exfiltration across all endpoints across Windows, Mac, Android and iOS devices. [...]
Public Wi-Fi – The Real Cost of Free
Did you know that with ‘free’ Wi-Fi comes pretty significant risks and you could be exposing your business and personal data to cybercriminals?
After the Data Breach – What Happens to Your Data?
We know that breaches and hacks are inevitable . The odds dictate that your information will be breached at some point. But what does it really mean when your data is compromised? Just what are cybercriminals doing with the information they steal, and how much is this data really worth?
What you Need to Know about Ad Blocking and Malvertising
In this blog we’ll discuss the most common questions that arise around the issue of ad blocking and malvertising and why simply blocking ads isn’t enough to protect your privacy and your personal data.