• Homograph Attacks using Homoglyphs

    July 15 2020

    Homograph Attacks using Homoglyphs

    Homographs are the latest in a long line of new attack vectors now being used by cybercriminals to trick users into disclosing personal information such as passwords or other sensitive data.

  • VPN Privacy

    April 15 2020

    The VPN Privacy Fallacy and Remote Work

    VPN Privacy is not what people think it is. Companies have relied on the VPN to connect to the corporate network particularly for remote work. However it does not afford users the level of privacy protection they think it does.

  • Mobile Cyber Security Threats

    March 10 2020

    Mobile Cyber Security Threats

    Every day we read about cyberattacks and data breaches affecting organizations trusted with our personal information. Yet most us don’t even consider the security of our mobile devices, leaving us increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks. We discuss the different types of attacks that can affect our mobile devices.

  • Execution Prevention

    December 17 2019

    Execution prevention and cybersecurity

    BlackFog has introduced execution prevention to protect your device from rogue malware. This article explains how it works and why it is more powerful than application whitelisting.