CISO Work Life Balance
By |Last Updated: January 22nd, 2024|1 min read|Categories: White Paper|

Why Security Leaders quit their jobs

The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is one of the most vital roles in any organization. As an executive-level decision maker responsible for securing an organization’s data, the CISO role is typically considered the final rung of the cybersecurity career ladder. CISO work life balance is therefore an important consideration in retaining these individuals.

Like other C-suite leadership positions, the CISO role comes with an extraordinary degree of responsibility. The challenge of effectively managing risk while being accountable for the outcomes of uncertain decisions significantly impacts overall CISO job satisfaction and work/life balance.

The well-documented cybersecurity talent gap – projected to remain at 3.4 million open positions through 2023 – puts additional obstacles between organizations and robust security leadership staffing. The cybersecurity industry has an extremely high turnover rate, and that rate extends to cybersecurity leaders as well as analysts and managers.

For organizations dealing with rapid changes in the threat landscape, cybersecurity leadership turnover is a significant risk. Organizations can’t afford to replace cybersecurity leaders before they’ve had a chance to accomplish valuable strategic objectives.

BlackFog has conducted research into cybersecurity leader turnover rates and the factors that contribute to security leaders quitting their positions. These findings will help organizations go beyond compensation and consider valuable quality-of-life improvements that attract and retain top talent.

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