Cybersecurity Risk Management
By |Last Updated: January 22nd, 2024|2 min read|Categories: White Paper|

Cybersecurity Risk Management for SMB’s

Small and mid-sized businesses face unique threats in today’s threat landscape. These organizations don’t command the same resources as large enterprises, yet they must respond to many of the same kinds of cyberattacks.

These attacks increasingly use a sophisticated combination of social engineering, credential compromise, and technical exploits to infiltrate target networks. Organizations with less than 1000 employees often have limited options for protecting themselves in a reliable, cost-effective way.

In partnership with Sapio Research, we conducted a risk management survey of 400 security leaders throughout the United States and United Kingdom. The scope of this research was to identify how different leaders and types of organizations are responding to ongoing risk management trends.

Our findings showcase the value that third-party security services provide for smaller organizations, especially when it comes to implementing new solutions in the security tech stack. They also suggest that technologies like anti data exfiltration have an important role to play helping small to medium sized organizations achieve security performance on par with large enterprises.

Security leaders at small to mid-sized organizations are navigating an uncertain threat landscape. Finding trustworthy partners and implementing effective prevention-based security technologies can make a significant difference in their overall risk management strategy.

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