NSA GCHQ Kaspersky Hack
By |Published On: July 10th, 2015|1 min read|Categories: Breach, Privacy|

As initially reported on The Intercept, GCHQ (the UK Governments equivalent of the NSA) and the NSA were able to hack Kaspersky Software’s ant-virus software to track users and infiltrate networks. This information comes directly from documents released by Edward Snowden.

The hacked software was then used to monitor email and web traffic to obtain intelligence. The most interesting part of this story from BlackFog’s perspective is the way the software was hacked was to monitor the traffic originating from the end users computer and Kaspersky servers. Most anti-virus tools collect a lot of information on your computer and send it back to their central servers. This information contains uniquely identifiable data that can be used to track exactly who this user is and what they are up to.

Rest assured, this is precisely why BlackFog does not collect information on your computer and send it back to our networks and one of the founding principles we use to keep your computer secure.

For a more detailed report on this privacy breach please refer to the article below.

Click here for the full article as reported on The Intercept.

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