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BlackFog Quick Start (Windows)

BlackFog ensures your device is protected from fileless cyberattacks which are growing at an alarming rate. It provides real-time protection against online threats with 12 layers of protection to prevent attacks from ransomware, spyware, malware and unauthorized data collection and profiling.

It provides several layers of protection.

  • Monitors network traffic in real-time and blocks applications and websites from collecting and profiling your behavior. It also allows you to see where you outbound traffic is going and block endpoints and / or applications from sending data to remote servers.
  • Locks down the operating system so that background services, scheduled tasks and processes do not collect data about your behavior
  • Removes any forensic data (application history, cookies and log files) from your computer
  • Blocks microphone activation by other applications so that you are well informed about audio recording activity

All of these features can be easily controlled using the navigation tiles on the main screen.

The main interface consists of navigation icons on the left and relevant content on the right.

Windows Dashboard


The options provide various dialogs to control the settings of the application based upon forensic data, privacy and outbound traffic destination.

Exfiltration provides a visual map of all outbound traffic from your device across all ports and interfaces. The black squares represent the destination of the traffic and the red circles the geofences you have applied. It provides up to 100 unique data points and is updated every 60 seconds.

Windows data exfiltration

The Settings provide many different levels of protection for your device. By default most options are switched on by default for the maximum available protection.

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